Wednesday 8 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about this famous language “English” so first of all, this idiom is the predominant around the world the most part of the countries knows about this.
Today is so necessary know about this knowledge because absolutely all have this language like the interesting books about science, fantasy and dramatic, the many technologic products and practically all hahaha.

I remember the first time when I hear, and practice English was in the school and sincerely this don’t call my attention. With the pass of the years I didn’t understand even in my last years in the school (but I had a little of knowledge about vocabulary) in the transition to the University, in the first test I thought I would be in English 3 but for my surprise this wasn’t the case and now I like English, in class I like so much the blogs, especially when is an interesting subject like Movies, Games, Etc. In other hand sometimes is boring, for example when you have to practice grammar, but the rest is fun.

I use for example in my free time, sometimes, I think and talk in this language for practice and I see all the series-movies, I hear music, I see YouTube, practically the majority of things in this idiom.

Finally, all what I want to improved is my pronunciation and I need expand my vocabulary.  I think in the future I could do a course about scientific English for complement my job like pharmacist, well that was all thanks for reading

Friday 3 November 2017

Changes to my study programme

Well today I have to write about my university; especially of the programme of my career (Pharmacy).The study of a career is a big compromise principally because you have to pass all the day in the place of study (like eight hours) so all the people have to take care of this area and obviously all of us have needs like the eat time, the time of recess in general.

But also we have others request for example the library is small in comparison with the quantity of students, a place where you can sleep and others things.

The curriculum of my career I think is great but some subjects are unnecessary like electromagnetism (this science explain little things in biology I think) but the rest of all this subject is perfect (chemistry, biology, math and the subject of the career) and we can have other subject of idiom like Chinese , French,etc.

The teaching method is diverse like the typical exposition of information or the interaction learning, especially used in biology, and the practice is very important. I have adapted to this teaching methods except to the interaction learning, I need time I think. This teaching method is perfect so I don’t have anything for add.

The use of technology is very important in this area especially, in the area of lab chemistry and biology we have all this technology for be updated. Examples of this are the microscope, machine of separation of solutions “rotary evaporator”, etc.

Finally the infrastructure is nice in comparison with my school, is very comfortable and the time of recess is big sometimes but I pass all the day here I think.

thanks for reading

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Well today i have to write about my summer holidays. Holidays, a perfect time of peace, relaxation, etc. All person need this time, the stress is a mental disease very awful and could be caused by the scarcity of this relax time.

The municipal cemetery  of Punta Arenas
So I have gone to Quintero, a little town closed to the sea in Valparaiso and I go with my family, which consist in my brothers, nephew, aunt, cousin. All this little time , because we are here like 2 weeks , I really enjoy all this time because I can to do all what I want ,without thinking in all my duties like I say is a relax time. The think most important is the family time, my eldest brother work all the time the same as my aunt so all the time I enjoy with my family.

I would like to visit the south of Chile specially Punta Arenas, a lot of people have talking about the famous cemetery , I have searched this for internet and the gardens looks amazing. Also the wind is very strong, the people hold a rope for do not fly away this is awesome. I think in this travel I could go to tours for see all the ecosystem, like see the penguins. Finally I could go to a famous shop of candies (a friend talk me about this and she say the candies are delicious).

Also I want to go to another country like japan, the food call my attention I think and the architecture of all the builds. Well that was all, thanks for reading.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Today I have to write about the drugs, the many benefits and dangers, what relation have with this subject, withdrawal symptoms and the effect of this in the society.

Well in all the years of my life never this call my attention some type of the most famous drugs like the cannabis, cigarette, alcohol and others but I had an experience in the past with alcohol and cigarette but the feeling was so awful, with the cigarette I was drowning with the smoke that is not for my hahaha and the taste of the alcohol was disgusting. Other reason because I don’t like the alcohol is the effect in the person like they do silliness, talk strange things, I see that they are dizzy and others things (I don’t remember). With the cigarette I see health problems especially with the repeated cough.

However I have others addictions like the videogames, the food (chocolate especially), and others. Anyway many people think about the drugs of abuse when they listen the word addiction but all would be an addiction, in excess of course.

The drugs are used to recover a sick person, like the cannabis is used to calm down to someone with pain, the ecstasy is used to the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the cocaine is used like a local anesthetics. But not all is good for us health especially with the drugs of abuse, they cause a dependence and health problems like damage to many organs (skin, heart, liver, pancreas, etc.), also affect to the hippocampus and this cause problems with the memory and the concentration.  
In my family mi brother is alcoholic, my dad and my aunt are smokers. In the society this would affect like in the efficiency of Professional workers and students, this would reduce the life expectancy with the health problems and others damaging things.

When a people leave an addiction have withdrawal symptoms between these are the anxiety, insomnia, delirium, change in the appetite, in general many mental diseases and this affect to the body.                            

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies
Well today I am going to write about my future ambitions after I graduated of my career which is Pharmacy. The postgraduate activities are very important because the world is always changing so we have to adapt, learn about the different things for specialize, and other reason because I want to do a activity after get my title is because I like learn more about my favorite subjects like chemistry,biology,etc.

So in the different activities many call my attention like the M.S. degree Pharmaceutics science this program wants to prepare us for the developing area, the investigation for accelerate the scientist advance ,anyway I think that program is very very  hard! Especially when you have to defend your thesis where many scientist of you area evaluate to you. Although with many sacrifice anything is possible and you will have help of professors. Other think I like about this curse is that about the fulltime system would be a good time, this would be very exhausting but I don’t care  

Although I liked this curse, I want to learn more about the clinic pharmacy especially because I liked so much the study of the life, biology. Well in this curse I would learn about the interaction and education with a patient (communication), pharmacovigilance (the study of the performance of the drug in the human system), pharmacoepidemiology, and many others are subjects very interesting who blend science like physiology and organic chemistry.,

Finally I want to study these activities in my recent college, the University of Chile, thanks for reading

Friday 29 September 2017

Your Future Job

Well Today I'm going to talk about what type of job i want , How i am studying a career (Pharmacy) i have a certainty idea about my favorite type of job . But not always I have this idea because when I was a child I wanted work like a driver of a bus (my grandfather work in this so I admired him) and then I was thinking about the career of astronomy but with the pass of the time I knew that I’m very bad in math  so this idea died.

In the last time in the school I liked so much Chemistry and biology, so I did a choose of two careers pharmacy and Medicine (in the end I choose pharmacy).
Today I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters, well I like the hospitals (I know this is strange…), is a place where you can help to others and I would do my favorite things like study in lab and use all this knowledge.

I have listened about the salary, is approximately $1.500.000 Chilean pesos, so you can live with this haha. I would like work in a permanent place I don’t like travel so much and I prefer work in a place outdoors because you can enjoy the air (but anyplace except Santiago).

Like I said I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters because I would like to talk with other persons about his health problems and interact with others health professionals.

Is a wonderfull activity 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Old and New Hobbies

Well, today I have to write about my favorites hobbies. For my the hobbies help me to rest, clear my mind and pass the boring time. I didn’t know about the importance of this when I was in the school until here in the university. All of these different things can cause mental disease like depression, stress. So the hobbies play an important function  in the distraction
When I was a child my principal hobby was play with toys especially with “Legos” I liked so much this toy. besides, I liked the videogames of adventure I think. One of the many hobbies what I hate was the football (today I still hate).

Today I have many hobbies like the videogames, TV series, movies, books, etc. so in my free time I usually play League of legend a competitive game with rolls and diverse characters and in this game you have to destroy a building for wining, I have played this game for 4 years I think. Other hobbies are the TV series in this last moment I enjoyed watch game of thrones below a fantasy gender, if you see this take careful because the storyline is very addicted when I suggest see this program to my brother , he saw all the episodes in one week so I repeat take careful haha.

I never would practice parachuting because I have horror to the highs plays, I was thinking about my future hobbies and I want play a sport like natation.

Well, thanks for reading

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

Hi again, I must write about a human organ. All the organism of the human is perfect I mean, all the functions of the many organs are coherently bond, like the abortion of Oxygen through the lungs and this is transport for all the organism with the blood (the oxygen is necessary to produce energy). So, all the human systems are related.

Well my favorite organ Is the heart, the heart is an organ belonging to the circulatory system, is a muscle and his ubication is in the middle of the thoracic cavity. This have the size of a fist. the function of the heart is impulse the move of the blood for all the body through the arteries, curious datum the flow of blood average of an adult is 5 L/min so all this volume goes to the heart in one minute.

So, the principal reason why is my favorite organ is because although have that tiny size, in comparison with all the human body, can do his function with no problem. In the case of a disease is different.

One of the factors for develop the different disease is the obesity. The diseases are
cardiac insufficiency, sudden death, and many others.
Finally, for keep the healthy we have to do exercises for improve us organism besides we don’t have to smoke and eat healthy (not so much sugar!).

 Thanks for reading!

the human blood 
Is tiny , do you think?

Friday 1 September 2017

The Best Holidays/Concert Ever

Oh, you are back and so fast. Well, today am going to write about my best holidays in “Quintero” a little town close to Valparaiso. I visited this place for a little time, like 2 weeks or so, I think.

When I went to Quintero was in the summer with a part of my family, my aunt, my two brothers, my cousin, my little nephew with only five years old and his mother. For talk more of this I always go to Quintero in the summer holidays and with the same people.

The most part of the time we went to the beach “El Durazno” this is a large beach with a few rocks disturbing in the water, the only think what I hated was the cold salty water ,that was so cold!!
In this place I slept so much time, listening the soft waves that was relaxing and the rest of the time we walked and enjoined the beach. One of my best memories of this place was the wonderful view of sunset in a cliff this place called “cueva del pirata” .

The principal reason why I enjoy this place is because I was with my family. Sadly not all the time have the privilege of enjoy with they and another reason is because I like the clean air in comparison with “Santiago”, well thanks for reading.
the beach "El Durazno"

the cliff in "cueva del pirata"

Wednesday 30 August 2017

A country you would like to visit

Hey! Here am again in a new semester so this time I have to talk about many places where I want to go. Before i have to write something about my country, thought I want to go to another places, I like my country and all the awesome view. So I going to write of the some places where I want to travel.

One of my favorite places is London, United Kingdom. I like because I had listened things like the tasty food the famous tea, i have always wanted taste this wonderful drink. Not only have I liked the food also I like the amazing architecture of the big builds since the smallest houses until the biggest castles.

If I would travel to London, I will go to the eye of London, this attraction call my attention since always and the famous Big ben I see this giant clock in many movies haha.

Although I like this famous city, I like a lot my country Chile I don’t want to go to live to another country so I am happy living here but I still want travel to !
Who want taste this?

Chile ,Norte grande
Chile, "Norte Grande"

United Kingdom, London

Thursday 6 July 2017

My blog experience

This is my last blog, the time goes very fast !! and I will write about all the best blogs where I have written in this semester. All this experience was great I liked so much never thought that haha . so, I will start.

One of the best blog in this semester is about “tv series and movies” this was the best in my opinion because in this time I watched a tvserie “13 reasons why” and this serie turned in one of the best series, is my opinion of course.

Another of my best blogs is about “why I choose this career”. This was the first blog and in this moment, I did not know about how do a blog. Well the many instructions of the teacher help me to write and all that was useful for my because it helped me to think about the reasons of why I choose this career like because I like work in lab and I like the sciences. Even though this semester was hard I am so happy for choose this career!

So, this year I developed my abilities of writing (I thought, I didn’t have these skills) and I learn, at least, a little more of English and grammar

Finally, in the future I want write a blog about videogames or books, that would be good thanks for reading.

Friday 16 June 2017

My favorite Subject

Today I will talk about one of the most interesting subject of my career. In the school the favorite subject was all the sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), then of the transition to the university General Chemistry is my favorite subject, for the moment.

Although I am not so good in this subject, is interesting. In class I have seen the basic structure of the matter the atom, electromagnetic energy, properties of the periodic table, the chemical bond, theory of valence, Molecular orbital theory, resonance, Lewis structure, chemical reactions , nomenclature(chemical Language),stoichiometry , solutions and finally coordination compounds so in conclusion I study all the performance of the matter and all the reactions. So all this knowledge is interesting and serve for the technological advance in many areas of the society like the medicine, industries, in food even in esthetic.

When I was in the school, chemistry was a challenging subject I think that the difficulty attract me. For my chemistry is an unknown new world and I want to learn about this. In the future maybe other subject call my attention, thanks for reading.

Friday 9 June 2017

Career-related website

Today I will talk about an important website about my career. So is a governmental website about the care, supervision and the administration of the health of the population in Chile. The website is ISPCH (“instituto de salud publica”).

The career of pharmacy is related with ISPCH because we have to created and supervise the differents rules for claim the health of the person like: the code sanitary (regulation about drugstore and medicaments), the right of the people related with the attention in his health and others diverse rules.

So in this website you can find popular drugstore, his timetable and the managerial administrative. Also we can see all the registered medicaments, the information about all the important diseases like hanta and all the protocols about a disease. Too we can watch all the registered valid labs where differents professionals work, all scientist. So the labs are organized dependent of the theme like bacteriology, virology, parasitology and  environment.

Well, the pharmacist must guard and manage the rules mentioned, so thanks for reading.

Friday 26 May 2017

“My favorite movie or TV show”

I see many series and movies like greys anatomy, strange things, and others but recently I have seen a program of Netflix “13 reasons why “, although it is a new show (2017) I like so much. This series belong to the genre of Drama.

The thematic of this show is about the suicide of a girl (Hannah Baker) and the reasons of this terrible situation, she grab tapes about this reasons, describing all the series of events of his life. All this tapes have been listened for all the people related with Hannah who they change all his life. So the story beginning when clay Jensen a friend of Hannah listen the tapes and he will try find all the secrets of Hannah.

The principal actors are Katherine Langford (Hannah Baker) and Dylan Minnette (clay Jensen). I like this series because explain and showing us the different problems of us society like the depression, machismo, the sexual attack, suicide and many others problems. I think we have to know all this for get better us society and we have to think in the others, we need more empathy, thanks for read. 

Friday 19 May 2017

My favorite picture:

Today I will talk about a special picture. The picture was taken in summer holidays of this year (2017), this was in “Quintero” in the beach “papagayo” a beautiful place. I used to go to this place all the summer vacations with my family, I choose this picture because I remember all the goods moments with my family in especially with my nephew a disorderly children haha.

When I see this picture I want to back. The picture is about a sunset in the big sea I was with my big brother, my cousin and my nephew whe was sit in a crag, so I remember the wind, smell of the sea. That was so great.

This show to me one of all the beautiful things of this world this give me the wish for travel around the word and I could meet more to my family , I will remember this precious memory all my life, thanks for reading ! 
" the wonderful sunset "

Friday 12 May 2017

My favorite music:

First of all I don’t like so much the music anyway I enjoy listen the music in person, so the classic music of the orchestra is nice , I like the composition “sinfonia n°9” from beethoven besides I like the rock music, my favorite band is “los bunkers” with the song “llueve sobre la ciudad”.

Then the rock was originate for the jazz music, this call my attention because I have listened the songs of Louis Amstrong like “What a wonderful World”.

In addition I like the music of movies, series and videogames .for example the soundtrack of “league of legends “, in the album of music I like all  the songs but I prefer “Lulu And Shaco's Quirky Encounter” , “The Curse Of The Sad Mummy” and “challengers” all this songs are awesome.

Finally I want talk about the music of series like “attack of titans” the music is so epic I think, that is all thanks for reading.
"a chilean rock band "


Friday 5 May 2017

             What's your favourite piece of technology?

Today is indispensable have technology like phone , notebook,television,etc.
 my favorite technological device is my phone , because i use it all the days, whit the phone i see all types of  important information like news about my city , my life  and my university . Also I have information about my subjects and i can write with my friends , so for this is important . 

the brand of my phone is HTC. with my phone i cannot play games and instalate the differents apps , so the phone have a little of memory. I have loss it in a lot situacions but only in my house . I like my phone I don’t want others versions, I am happy with it. Whe are connect with the technology , how would be  this theme in the future?

Friday 28 April 2017

Why did I choose this career/study programme?

First of all, I wanted to be an astronomer when I was a child, because I liked to see the different planets in the galaxy, but I thought what do I want to do in the future?

So in the next years this question was reply, so I wanted to help to the people with my knowledge. In the last 2 years in the school I finally discover the area of my job, the health. But I had two options, one of them the medicine and the other pharmacy, so when I had the results of the Psu test, I was happy because I could study one of my options, Pharmacy.

 Now I am really, really happy I feel great satisfaction on my election I like the university , I have new friends , all the class are interesting and the ambience is so good ! . Now I want a job in the clinic pharmacy because the idea of work in groups with different types of professional with the best objective help to a patient.
"my first ambition "

"where i want to work"

Wednesday 19 April 2017

“Who am I? 
Hello, my name is Jorge Machuca, I’m 17 years old.  I born in 21, April in 1999 here in the  commune of Independencia, in the city Santiago of Chile. So I am living here in Independencia. I studied, all the period, in the school “San Francisco De Quito “.so the last year (2016) I Graduated from the school and I did the psu a test so important for me.
Then now I am studying Pharmacy, in the University Of Chile a very beautiful career. This profession is about the creation and regulation of drugs in the population in this case in Chile.
In my free time I rest a little and I play games of Nds like Pokémon besides I like talk with my family and I enjoy laugh with they. I go usually to the church I believe in god. I want travel to Europe and meet United Kingdom.
Finally my favorite food is the “sushi” I like the salmon. So Now I want enjoy the university live and the books of the different subject are interesting. That is all, thanks for reading.