Wednesday 8 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about this famous language “English” so first of all, this idiom is the predominant around the world the most part of the countries knows about this.
Today is so necessary know about this knowledge because absolutely all have this language like the interesting books about science, fantasy and dramatic, the many technologic products and practically all hahaha.

I remember the first time when I hear, and practice English was in the school and sincerely this don’t call my attention. With the pass of the years I didn’t understand even in my last years in the school (but I had a little of knowledge about vocabulary) in the transition to the University, in the first test I thought I would be in English 3 but for my surprise this wasn’t the case and now I like English, in class I like so much the blogs, especially when is an interesting subject like Movies, Games, Etc. In other hand sometimes is boring, for example when you have to practice grammar, but the rest is fun.

I use for example in my free time, sometimes, I think and talk in this language for practice and I see all the series-movies, I hear music, I see YouTube, practically the majority of things in this idiom.

Finally, all what I want to improved is my pronunciation and I need expand my vocabulary.  I think in the future I could do a course about scientific English for complement my job like pharmacist, well that was all thanks for reading

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