Friday 3 November 2017

Changes to my study programme

Well today I have to write about my university; especially of the programme of my career (Pharmacy).The study of a career is a big compromise principally because you have to pass all the day in the place of study (like eight hours) so all the people have to take care of this area and obviously all of us have needs like the eat time, the time of recess in general.

But also we have others request for example the library is small in comparison with the quantity of students, a place where you can sleep and others things.

The curriculum of my career I think is great but some subjects are unnecessary like electromagnetism (this science explain little things in biology I think) but the rest of all this subject is perfect (chemistry, biology, math and the subject of the career) and we can have other subject of idiom like Chinese , French,etc.

The teaching method is diverse like the typical exposition of information or the interaction learning, especially used in biology, and the practice is very important. I have adapted to this teaching methods except to the interaction learning, I need time I think. This teaching method is perfect so I don’t have anything for add.

The use of technology is very important in this area especially, in the area of lab chemistry and biology we have all this technology for be updated. Examples of this are the microscope, machine of separation of solutions “rotary evaporator”, etc.

Finally the infrastructure is nice in comparison with my school, is very comfortable and the time of recess is big sometimes but I pass all the day here I think.

thanks for reading


  1. Is good to know that you are feeling comfortable here, except for electromagnetism obviously.

  2. I'm agreed with you in all the things you talk here, specially in the sleep one.
