Wednesday 25 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Well today i have to write about my summer holidays. Holidays, a perfect time of peace, relaxation, etc. All person need this time, the stress is a mental disease very awful and could be caused by the scarcity of this relax time.

The municipal cemetery  of Punta Arenas
So I have gone to Quintero, a little town closed to the sea in Valparaiso and I go with my family, which consist in my brothers, nephew, aunt, cousin. All this little time , because we are here like 2 weeks , I really enjoy all this time because I can to do all what I want ,without thinking in all my duties like I say is a relax time. The think most important is the family time, my eldest brother work all the time the same as my aunt so all the time I enjoy with my family.

I would like to visit the south of Chile specially Punta Arenas, a lot of people have talking about the famous cemetery , I have searched this for internet and the gardens looks amazing. Also the wind is very strong, the people hold a rope for do not fly away this is awesome. I think in this travel I could go to tours for see all the ecosystem, like see the penguins. Finally I could go to a famous shop of candies (a friend talk me about this and she say the candies are delicious).

Also I want to go to another country like japan, the food call my attention I think and the architecture of all the builds. Well that was all, thanks for reading.


  1. Valparaiso...yes, the sea...yes, Punta Arenas...yes, a thanks, lots of nightmares and stuff like that.

  2. I went to that cemetery like 2 years ago, it is a beautiful place to visit if you go to Punta Arenas

  3. The cemetery looks beautiful. I'd love to go there in a (hopefully) close future.

  4. I think that cemetery are a really interesting place.
