Friday 29 September 2017

Your Future Job

Well Today I'm going to talk about what type of job i want , How i am studying a career (Pharmacy) i have a certainty idea about my favorite type of job . But not always I have this idea because when I was a child I wanted work like a driver of a bus (my grandfather work in this so I admired him) and then I was thinking about the career of astronomy but with the pass of the time I knew that I’m very bad in math  so this idea died.

In the last time in the school I liked so much Chemistry and biology, so I did a choose of two careers pharmacy and Medicine (in the end I choose pharmacy).
Today I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters, well I like the hospitals (I know this is strange…), is a place where you can help to others and I would do my favorite things like study in lab and use all this knowledge.

I have listened about the salary, is approximately $1.500.000 Chilean pesos, so you can live with this haha. I would like work in a permanent place I don’t like travel so much and I prefer work in a place outdoors because you can enjoy the air (but anyplace except Santiago).

Like I said I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters because I would like to talk with other persons about his health problems and interact with others health professionals.

Is a wonderfull activity 


  1. If you are working on clinical matters, always give a smile to the patients !

  2. Why do you think is weird that you like hospitals? I think it’s amazing and it could do a lot easier the speciality you want.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The interaction with patients requires such a big responsibility. My best of luck to you!
