Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

Hi again, I must write about a human organ. All the organism of the human is perfect I mean, all the functions of the many organs are coherently bond, like the abortion of Oxygen through the lungs and this is transport for all the organism with the blood (the oxygen is necessary to produce energy). So, all the human systems are related.

Well my favorite organ Is the heart, the heart is an organ belonging to the circulatory system, is a muscle and his ubication is in the middle of the thoracic cavity. This have the size of a fist. the function of the heart is impulse the move of the blood for all the body through the arteries, curious datum the flow of blood average of an adult is 5 L/min so all this volume goes to the heart in one minute.

So, the principal reason why is my favorite organ is because although have that tiny size, in comparison with all the human body, can do his function with no problem. In the case of a disease is different.

One of the factors for develop the different disease is the obesity. The diseases are
cardiac insufficiency, sudden death, and many others.
Finally, for keep the healthy we have to do exercises for improve us organism besides we don’t have to smoke and eat healthy (not so much sugar!).

 Thanks for reading!

the human blood 
Is tiny , do you think?


  1. Seems nice that your favorite organ is the heart, since the hypothalamus comes to remove his title of love organ nobody think in this poor thing

  2. our heart is amazing how it resist many years without stopping

  3. It's a really interesting organ and it does so much for us with that little size.

  4. i agree with you, the human body is completely perfect with his bonds between organs.
