Friday 1 September 2017

The Best Holidays/Concert Ever

Oh, you are back and so fast. Well, today am going to write about my best holidays in “Quintero” a little town close to Valparaiso. I visited this place for a little time, like 2 weeks or so, I think.

When I went to Quintero was in the summer with a part of my family, my aunt, my two brothers, my cousin, my little nephew with only five years old and his mother. For talk more of this I always go to Quintero in the summer holidays and with the same people.

The most part of the time we went to the beach “El Durazno” this is a large beach with a few rocks disturbing in the water, the only think what I hated was the cold salty water ,that was so cold!!
In this place I slept so much time, listening the soft waves that was relaxing and the rest of the time we walked and enjoined the beach. One of my best memories of this place was the wonderful view of sunset in a cliff this place called “cueva del pirata” .

The principal reason why I enjoy this place is because I was with my family. Sadly not all the time have the privilege of enjoy with they and another reason is because I like the clean air in comparison with “Santiago”, well thanks for reading.
the beach "El Durazno"

the cliff in "cueva del pirata"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never been in Quintero, I wish I could go to El Durazno some day.
