Friday 9 June 2017

Career-related website

Today I will talk about an important website about my career. So is a governmental website about the care, supervision and the administration of the health of the population in Chile. The website is ISPCH (“instituto de salud publica”).

The career of pharmacy is related with ISPCH because we have to created and supervise the differents rules for claim the health of the person like: the code sanitary (regulation about drugstore and medicaments), the right of the people related with the attention in his health and others diverse rules.

So in this website you can find popular drugstore, his timetable and the managerial administrative. Also we can see all the registered medicaments, the information about all the important diseases like hanta and all the protocols about a disease. Too we can watch all the registered valid labs where differents professionals work, all scientist. So the labs are organized dependent of the theme like bacteriology, virology, parasitology and  environment.

Well, the pharmacist must guard and manage the rules mentioned, so thanks for reading.


  1. Great post... I know that Pharmacy is one of the most regulated career by the government...

  2. I will have to check this website out! thanks!
