Friday 29 September 2017

Your Future Job

Well Today I'm going to talk about what type of job i want , How i am studying a career (Pharmacy) i have a certainty idea about my favorite type of job . But not always I have this idea because when I was a child I wanted work like a driver of a bus (my grandfather work in this so I admired him) and then I was thinking about the career of astronomy but with the pass of the time I knew that I’m very bad in math  so this idea died.

In the last time in the school I liked so much Chemistry and biology, so I did a choose of two careers pharmacy and Medicine (in the end I choose pharmacy).
Today I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters, well I like the hospitals (I know this is strange…), is a place where you can help to others and I would do my favorite things like study in lab and use all this knowledge.

I have listened about the salary, is approximately $1.500.000 Chilean pesos, so you can live with this haha. I would like work in a permanent place I don’t like travel so much and I prefer work in a place outdoors because you can enjoy the air (but anyplace except Santiago).

Like I said I want to be a pharmacist specialized in clinical matters because I would like to talk with other persons about his health problems and interact with others health professionals.

Is a wonderfull activity 

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Old and New Hobbies

Well, today I have to write about my favorites hobbies. For my the hobbies help me to rest, clear my mind and pass the boring time. I didn’t know about the importance of this when I was in the school until here in the university. All of these different things can cause mental disease like depression, stress. So the hobbies play an important function  in the distraction
When I was a child my principal hobby was play with toys especially with “Legos” I liked so much this toy. besides, I liked the videogames of adventure I think. One of the many hobbies what I hate was the football (today I still hate).

Today I have many hobbies like the videogames, TV series, movies, books, etc. so in my free time I usually play League of legend a competitive game with rolls and diverse characters and in this game you have to destroy a building for wining, I have played this game for 4 years I think. Other hobbies are the TV series in this last moment I enjoyed watch game of thrones below a fantasy gender, if you see this take careful because the storyline is very addicted when I suggest see this program to my brother , he saw all the episodes in one week so I repeat take careful haha.

I never would practice parachuting because I have horror to the highs plays, I was thinking about my future hobbies and I want play a sport like natation.

Well, thanks for reading

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Our Amazing Human Body

Hi again, I must write about a human organ. All the organism of the human is perfect I mean, all the functions of the many organs are coherently bond, like the abortion of Oxygen through the lungs and this is transport for all the organism with the blood (the oxygen is necessary to produce energy). So, all the human systems are related.

Well my favorite organ Is the heart, the heart is an organ belonging to the circulatory system, is a muscle and his ubication is in the middle of the thoracic cavity. This have the size of a fist. the function of the heart is impulse the move of the blood for all the body through the arteries, curious datum the flow of blood average of an adult is 5 L/min so all this volume goes to the heart in one minute.

So, the principal reason why is my favorite organ is because although have that tiny size, in comparison with all the human body, can do his function with no problem. In the case of a disease is different.

One of the factors for develop the different disease is the obesity. The diseases are
cardiac insufficiency, sudden death, and many others.
Finally, for keep the healthy we have to do exercises for improve us organism besides we don’t have to smoke and eat healthy (not so much sugar!).

 Thanks for reading!

the human blood 
Is tiny , do you think?

Friday 1 September 2017

The Best Holidays/Concert Ever

Oh, you are back and so fast. Well, today am going to write about my best holidays in “Quintero” a little town close to Valparaiso. I visited this place for a little time, like 2 weeks or so, I think.

When I went to Quintero was in the summer with a part of my family, my aunt, my two brothers, my cousin, my little nephew with only five years old and his mother. For talk more of this I always go to Quintero in the summer holidays and with the same people.

The most part of the time we went to the beach “El Durazno” this is a large beach with a few rocks disturbing in the water, the only think what I hated was the cold salty water ,that was so cold!!
In this place I slept so much time, listening the soft waves that was relaxing and the rest of the time we walked and enjoined the beach. One of my best memories of this place was the wonderful view of sunset in a cliff this place called “cueva del pirata” .

The principal reason why I enjoy this place is because I was with my family. Sadly not all the time have the privilege of enjoy with they and another reason is because I like the clean air in comparison with “Santiago”, well thanks for reading.
the beach "El Durazno"

the cliff in "cueva del pirata"