Wednesday 25 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Well today i have to write about my summer holidays. Holidays, a perfect time of peace, relaxation, etc. All person need this time, the stress is a mental disease very awful and could be caused by the scarcity of this relax time.

The municipal cemetery  of Punta Arenas
So I have gone to Quintero, a little town closed to the sea in Valparaiso and I go with my family, which consist in my brothers, nephew, aunt, cousin. All this little time , because we are here like 2 weeks , I really enjoy all this time because I can to do all what I want ,without thinking in all my duties like I say is a relax time. The think most important is the family time, my eldest brother work all the time the same as my aunt so all the time I enjoy with my family.

I would like to visit the south of Chile specially Punta Arenas, a lot of people have talking about the famous cemetery , I have searched this for internet and the gardens looks amazing. Also the wind is very strong, the people hold a rope for do not fly away this is awesome. I think in this travel I could go to tours for see all the ecosystem, like see the penguins. Finally I could go to a famous shop of candies (a friend talk me about this and she say the candies are delicious).

Also I want to go to another country like japan, the food call my attention I think and the architecture of all the builds. Well that was all, thanks for reading.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Addiction: From Tea and Coffee to Drugs of Abuse

Today I have to write about the drugs, the many benefits and dangers, what relation have with this subject, withdrawal symptoms and the effect of this in the society.

Well in all the years of my life never this call my attention some type of the most famous drugs like the cannabis, cigarette, alcohol and others but I had an experience in the past with alcohol and cigarette but the feeling was so awful, with the cigarette I was drowning with the smoke that is not for my hahaha and the taste of the alcohol was disgusting. Other reason because I don’t like the alcohol is the effect in the person like they do silliness, talk strange things, I see that they are dizzy and others things (I don’t remember). With the cigarette I see health problems especially with the repeated cough.

However I have others addictions like the videogames, the food (chocolate especially), and others. Anyway many people think about the drugs of abuse when they listen the word addiction but all would be an addiction, in excess of course.

The drugs are used to recover a sick person, like the cannabis is used to calm down to someone with pain, the ecstasy is used to the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the cocaine is used like a local anesthetics. But not all is good for us health especially with the drugs of abuse, they cause a dependence and health problems like damage to many organs (skin, heart, liver, pancreas, etc.), also affect to the hippocampus and this cause problems with the memory and the concentration.  
In my family mi brother is alcoholic, my dad and my aunt are smokers. In the society this would affect like in the efficiency of Professional workers and students, this would reduce the life expectancy with the health problems and others damaging things.

When a people leave an addiction have withdrawal symptoms between these are the anxiety, insomnia, delirium, change in the appetite, in general many mental diseases and this affect to the body.                            

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies
Well today I am going to write about my future ambitions after I graduated of my career which is Pharmacy. The postgraduate activities are very important because the world is always changing so we have to adapt, learn about the different things for specialize, and other reason because I want to do a activity after get my title is because I like learn more about my favorite subjects like chemistry,biology,etc.

So in the different activities many call my attention like the M.S. degree Pharmaceutics science this program wants to prepare us for the developing area, the investigation for accelerate the scientist advance ,anyway I think that program is very very  hard! Especially when you have to defend your thesis where many scientist of you area evaluate to you. Although with many sacrifice anything is possible and you will have help of professors. Other think I like about this curse is that about the fulltime system would be a good time, this would be very exhausting but I don’t care  

Although I liked this curse, I want to learn more about the clinic pharmacy especially because I liked so much the study of the life, biology. Well in this curse I would learn about the interaction and education with a patient (communication), pharmacovigilance (the study of the performance of the drug in the human system), pharmacoepidemiology, and many others are subjects very interesting who blend science like physiology and organic chemistry.,

Finally I want to study these activities in my recent college, the University of Chile, thanks for reading